Have you heard of Ezhava people of south India ?

I was surprised to read that there is a tribe of people called Ezhava in South India who, as per legend descended from Several Sinhalese Warrior Families sent to India to help a CHERA king put down a revolt or to start a COCONUT plantation ( Depending on which source you happen to follow ).

These people are some of the best Kallaripattu (Indian version of Angammpora) Artists in all of South India and follow a very Martial Tradition even today.

I bet, Prabhakaran would be cursing in his grave if he know this.

There are damn handsome Tamil guys and damn pretty Sinhalese Girls and vice versa.

For thousands of years, we were neighbors and I bet There was some MIXING of Curries going around for Sure if you know what I mean.

Pure race my ass. If you studied Real History one of the first lessons you learn is if there is a social opportunity, Everybody fucked Everybody. lol


Amith Rodrigo
