Do you believe in spirits and otherworldly entities?

This pic was captured by a woman known to us, at her home when her little son was apparently petrified after seeing a tall dark entity in a corner of the room they were in. 

The lady claimed that the house started stinking like human waste and that food became distasteful about a week ago before this was finally seen and captured in a photograph. 

Note: They apperantly live next to a graveyard.

Her picture: She claimed she doesnt know how to share it from her son phone so she took a pictue of the picture from her own phone to show us (Yeah!)

I have some doubts

1.  This picture is very similar to the below web picture i found while looking up shadow people on google.

2. She is one of those village drama queens ( Hell Yeah!)

When you scrol up and will see its pretty much the same picture downloaded from web and palyed around with brightness a bit to make it look different.

This is why you need to really do your homework to find the real truith behind stories.

I am not saying there are no forces outthere what still evade the reasoning and known sciences of the world. 

I have percsonally encountered such unexplained events myself so I am more open minded.

Howver unfortunately fakes like this makes people outright stop believing anyting.


Amith Ranga Rodrigo


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